Just Stop Oil is plotting to lobby Labour to turn demands into law

Just Stop Oil is plotting to lobby Labour to turn the eco-group’s demands to halt new North sea oil and gas drilling licences into law

  • Leaked document reveals activists will stand in local or general elections

Just Stop Oil is plotting to lobby the Labour Party to turn the eco-group’s demands into legislation.

A leaked document, seen by The Daily Mail, reveals that activists will stand in local elections or general elections ‘to put pressure on Labour’ to fulfil its pledge to halt new licences for North Sea oil and gas drilling.

The group, whose financial backer Dale Vince has also donated more than £1 million to Labour, said it aimed ‘to make our campaign synonymous with this policy’.

The document adds: ‘It is essential that we continue to push on our demand, to hold them [Labour] to their word, and to see the Just Stop Oil demand become legislation.’

The radical protest group will also ‘push for further popular climate specific legislation in the run up to elections’, the strategy documents reveal.

A leaked document, seen by The Daily Mail, reveals that activists will stand in local elections or general elections ‘to put pressure on Labour’ to fulfil its pledge to halt new licences for North Sea oil and gas drilling (File Photo)

He added: ‘Sir Keir is happy to take their cash and let them dictate Labour policies while these Net Zero nutters make misery for hard-working Brits across the country.

‘Labour needs to stop taking orders from professional protestors and start listening to the public.’

Fellow Conservative MP Paul Bristol said: ‘It is clear that Just Stop Oil have targeted the Labour Party as the vehicle for their demands.

‘Not just content with funding Labour, they now want to write their election manifesto.

‘If people reject the actions of Just Stop Oil and their demands, they must also reject Labour who are becoming their political wing.’

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has previously described Just Stop Oil’s plans as ‘contemptible’ and labelled their protesters ‘arrogant’.

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has previously described Just Stop Oil’s plans as ‘contemptible’ and labelled their protesters ‘arrogant’ (FIle Photo)

In July he said the eco-group needs to ‘just stop’ and criticised it for ‘interrupting iconic sporting events [and] causing massive disruption.’

But Labour has benefited from almost £1.4million over several years from Mr Vince, a green entrepeneur who is one of Just Stop Oil’s biggest donors.

His firm Ecotricity also gave £10,000 to deputy leader Angela Rayner and £20,000 to Sir Keir Starmer, Electoral Commission data shows.

And Just Stop Oil activists have boasted that their disruptive tactics, which have inflicted misery on the public, had ‘shifted’ Labour’s climate policy.

Dr Larch Maxey, from the group, said the party’s announcement that it would veto new North Sea oil and gas projects would empower the protesters to ‘escalate’ their campaigns.

A spokesman for Just Stop Oil said: ‘Just Stop Oil supporters have a legal right, the right of necessity to protect themselves from the very real threat of an unliveable world.

‘We should not stand by as a criminal political regime tips us more and more into insecurity and a cost of living crisis.’

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