Finalists of spoof art Turnip Prize announced

Finalists of spoof art Turnip Prize announced with only rule of 25-year-old competition founded in reaction to Tracey Emin’s controversial My Bed being you can’t ‘put too much effort in’

The shortlist for the ‘world famous’ Turnip Prize has been revealed – with one entry paying a satirical homage to the British government’s partygate scandal.

The annual spoof award goes to someone who has ‘created something that they perceive to be c**p art using the least amount of effort possible’.

The world famous annual award – in its 25th year – attracted 193 entries from all over the world and is designed to satirise the Tate Gallery’s Turner Prize by rewarding deliberately bad modern art.  

The finalists include ‘Party Gate’ by Mr Keep Calm – a metal gate with a party hat on the top; ‘Coronation Chicken’- a KFC cartoon with a crown on top by ChicKing the Third of Somerset; ‘Inflation’ by Ike Price with an inflated balloon and pump and ‘A Eye’ by G.P.T. Chat Esq of an artificial eyeball.

The presentation will take place on December 5 at The New Inn in Wedmore, Somerset.

The shortlist for the ‘world famous’ Turnip Prize has been revealed – with one entry paying a satirical homage to the British government ‘s partygate scandal

Another entry by Ike Price is called ‘Inflation’ and depicts inflated balloon and pump

The competition was created after seeing Tracey’s Emin’s ‘My Bed’ – a controversial work which was exhibited at the Tate Gallery as one of the shortlisted works for the Turner Prize

An exhibition of 16 former winners and notable entrants is also being held.

Winners of the competition receive a turnip attached to a wooden base. 

The mock prize rewards the artist who puts the least amount of effort into a work and was first given out in 1999 as a jibe at modern art.

Trevor Prideaux came up with the competition idea after seeing Tracey’s Emin’s ‘My Bed’ – a controversial work which was exhibited at the Tate Gallery as one of the shortlisted works for the Turner Prize.

The artwork showed her unmade bed artfully littered with condoms, cigarette packs and underwear.

Emin explained that the work was created after she survived a mental breakdown in 1998, after which she spent four days almost unconscious and highly intoxicated on vodka and cigarettes. 

‘Coronation Chicken’ shows a KFC cartoon with a crown on top by ChicKing the Third of Somerset

‘A Eye’ by G.P.T. Chat Esq shows an artificial eyeball on a cardboard box

Winners of the competition receive a turnip attached to a wooden base

The scene around her bed highlighted the breakdown.

When Emin left to go to the toilet, she noticed that her bed had turned into a work of art that chronicled one of the darkest moments of her life. In response, Emin opted to transform it into an art installation.

In 2014, My Bed later sold at auction for £2,546,500.

When critics said anyone could exhibit their unmade bed, she replied: ‘Well, they didn’t, did they? No one had ever done that before.’

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