Dog walker's shock after spotting shark just metres from shore

‘I’m certainly not going skinny dipping anymore!’ Dog walker’s shock after spotting shark swimming just metres from shore

  • David Rogers, 55, made the shocking discovery in the water off Southampton

A dog walker was left shocked after he spotted a large fin belonging to a ‘big shark’ swimming just metres away from the shore.

David Rogers, 55, made the discovery in the water off Southampton, Hampshire, and initially thought he was being pranked by someone wearing a fake shark fin.

He was walking his miniature schnauzer Luna along the shoreline at around midday on Saturday when he spotted a large fin poking out of the water.

Referencing the 1975 film Jaws, the builder said: ‘I just thought: ‘I’m going to need a bigger boat.

‘I’m certainly not going skinny dipping anymore, I will tell you that.’

David Rogers, 55, was walking his Miniature Schnauzer Luna along the shoreline at around midday on Saturday when he spotted a large fin poking out of the water

He sent photos of the encounter to his partner Vicky Siou, 48, (pictured with Luna) who said: ‘I was like, “you’ve got to be kidding, this is a wind up”

Mr Rogers from Warsash, Southampton, said the mystery shark was 15 to 20 metres away from the shore.

He said: ‘It was just hovering.

‘It couldn’t have been a dolphin, because they are quite active and the fin was too large.’

Mr Rogers said that after watching the large fish for five minutes he soon realised it was real.

He sent photos of the encounter to his partner Vicky Siou, 48, who said: ‘I was like, “you’ve got to be kidding, this is a wind up”.

‘I was dead jealous, in fact, I’m thinking of going back and walking there myself to see if I can see it.’

The couple did their own research and spoke to Vicky’s father Richard Cannon, 75, who is an avid wildlife photographer, to work out what type of shark the fin belonged to.

Mr Rogers from Warsash, Southampton, said the mystery shark was 15 to 20 metres away from the shore

Mr Rogers initially thought the fin belonged to a killer whale or a great white shark due to its size but later learnt that it was likely to be a harmless Basking Shark (pictured)

Miniature schnauzer Luna. Mr Rogers spotted the fish near the Solent Breezes Holiday Park and said: ‘It was right where Southampton Water goes into the Solent, so it must have been there swimming and came a bit closer to shore’

Mr Rogers initially thought the fin belonged to a killer whale or a great white shark due to its size but was told that it was likely to be that of a harmless basking shark.

A basking shark is the second largest species of fish on the planet, behind the Whale Shark, and they often frequent British coastal waters.

Despite being the largest shark breed in the UK, they pose little risk to humans and feed on the plankton that they filter out of the water.

Mr Rogers spotted the fish near the Solent Breezes Holiday Park and said: ‘It was right where Southampton Water goes into the Solent, so it must have been there swimming and came a bit closer to shore.’

His estate agent partner added: ‘I’m not a huge fan of the sea because of the things normally swimming in it – but you certainly won’t catch me in it now!’

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