MAFS’ Shona’s mum ‘warned her when she started dating new love Matt’

Taking part in Married At First Sight was quite the whirlwind for Shona Manderson, who thought she had found a soulmate in partner Brad Skelly but quickly found herself in a relationship with the model which was dubbed 'toxic' and 'unhealthy'.

And if there's anyone who knows best, it's mum. Talking exclusively to OK!, 31-year-old Shona admitted that the experience left her mum wary of any new men looking to come into her daughter's life.

So when she embarked on a new relationship with castmate Matt Pilmoor after filming, she received one piece of advice. When we ask about family, Shona explains: "I really like all of Matt’s friends and he has met most of mine. My mum was a bit like, “Shonie, take it slow. Learn from MAFS, don’t go fast.”

However, it appears that Matt, 29, has managed to win her mum over, with Shona adding: "But then she met Matt and loved him!"

Matt entered the show as a late arrival, coming in just after Shona had left, meaning the pair never crossed paths while taking part.

But when all the cast came back for a reunion, there was a spark between them, which led to a perfect match. Despite becoming a couple shortly after, the pair had to keep their union low-key as the show aired – hoping to not spoil how their respective on-screen relationships played out for the viewers.

When the show did hit E4, viewers watched Shona say 'I do' to Brad, who a team of relationship experts matched her with. They hit it off from the get-go and appeared one of the strongest couples, even dropping the L bomb after just days of knowing one another, before things took a turn for the worst.

Showing signs of a toxic relationship, many fans dubbed Brad's behaviour as 'controlling' towards Shona, and left the show's team of experts asking them to exit the experiment and deeming the relationship 'unhealthy'.

Things came crashing down for the pair shortly after, with Shona later saying how she mistook 'lust' for 'love'. With Shona and Brad moving their relationship at high speed, it's no surprise that family had their guard up for Shona's next relationship.

However, things have been much more smooth sailing with Matt, who enjoyed a steady run on the show with his wife Adrienne, as the pair never got to 'love' but did vow to stay together following the show.

Splitting up weeks later, Matt then fell head over heels for Shona, and the rest, is history.

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