BBC Breakfasts Naga Munchetty bans star from studio after weird wardrobe quip

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    BBC Breakfast's Naga Munchetty told a reporter he wasn't welcome in the studio after he poked fun at her.

    On Friday (November 10), Naga and co-host Charlie Stayt spoke to senior broadcast journalist Peter Ruddick as she filmed a segment on jeans. He then took this opportunity to tell the hosts that to keep their own jeans in the best condition they should not wash them for six months.

    Peter said: "One thing I have learned today is that if you want to keep your jeans looking fresh, the secret, Naga and Charlie, is to not wash them for the first six months. How do you feel about that?"

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    Naga responded: "I think I feel fine about it if you don't wear them every day for six months, because that would be weird. Because then I think they would actually get up and walk to the washing machine themselves."

    Peter cheekily joked: "So you're on board for not watching these for six months? I think I might not sit next to you on the sofa again." Naga clapped back: "You won't be invited to sit next to me on the sofa."

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