‘I grounded my husband after he refused to clean our car’

A woman has said she grounded her husband after he refused to clean their shared car.

The woman took to Reddit to tell them her middle-aged partner had returned from a weekend with friends and left their car filthy.

She said he promised he would clean it up before she went away for a work trip, but never followed up on his promise.

When she found out the car was still filled with dirt she decided to ban him from seeing his friends.

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In a post on Reddit she said: “Last Sunday, my (F43) husband (M44) took our family car to go fishing with his friends.

“Since I was going to be away for a few days the following week (this week), I thought it would be a good thing for him to go, since for the days I was gone he’d be taking care of our 4 kids on his own.

“So, I encouraged him to go have some fun with his buddies. He came home Sunday night and told me a lot about how great it was, what his friends were up to, etc. He then glossed over the detail that the car was a little dirty.

“Monday morning (I had to get to work and get the kids to school), I opened the garage and the car was completely filthy with much of the lower half covered in mud. I was disgusted but didn’t think too much about it since I was in a rush. I opened the door, and somehow the interior was even dirtier than the outside.”

The woman added: “Since I’m the primary driver of the family car, I always keep it super clean, so I was quite irritated at this. Once I dropped off the kids and got to work, I texted my husband about the situation.

“He apologised profusely and said he’d get it cleaned while I was on my work trip (Tuesday – Thursday). I got back last night and saw the car was still dirty.

“I mentioned it to my husband and he apologised again, saying that he’d get it cleaned this weekend after he goes out with his friends. I was tired from my trip and very frustrated, so I told him that he would not be spending any more time with his friends until the car was clean.

“I think he thought I was joking because he didn’t act serious about it. When I reaffirmed that he would not be going out, he acted surprised and said that I couldn’t be serious.”

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Following her post, the woman received support from sympathetic Reddit users.

One person said: “If your husband wants to call it being ‘grounded’, well, those are his words. The term ‘grounded’ is often used in a parent-child situation. Your husband used it because on some level he realised he was acting like a child.”

Another person said: “Your husband has failed at basic adulting- hey babe, we got the car super muddy, I’ll be taking it in tomorrow to be cleaned.

“I’d never want to treat my partner this way- ordering him around- but I also wouldn’t want to be with someone who can’t accomplish basic tasks in a timely matter, or even understand that those things need to be done at all until they are pointed out.”

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